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Edison Automatic Sliding Barn Door Opener Base

The Edison Automatic Sliding Door Opener provides convenience and accessibility for sliding door applications. The motor and track mount to the ceiling or wall above the opening and the arm connects to the door. With the click of a button to this motorized sliding door mechanism, the automated doors slide horizontally to open or close.

Edison operators use a direct drive technology to maximize strength and minimize moving parts and operator noise and vibration. These models are ideal for installations with limited back room or where the building was not wired for a garage door operator ahead of time, since the connector wire allows the control housing to be mounted anywhere within 16' of either end of the operator rail (note that operator controls are required to be a minimum of 5' from a moving door for safety).


Security and Safety:

  • 922.5 MHz radio controls with 128-bit encryption
  • Positive push-back by the operator in case of attempted forced entry
  • Optional Buzzer and Lock for additional security
  • Continuously adjusted force curves for maximum safety and obstacle detection
  • Operators adjust speed based on door balance and weight for optimal speed and safety
  • Monitored optical safety sensors included
  • Optional monitored safety edge can be added



  • 4-channel on board radio receiver for optional functions with 40-slot on board memory
  • Engineered to 125,000 cycles in beta stage with third-party certification
  • Mid-stop and automatic closing enabled
  • Interlock capable
  • Monitored safety edge or optical safety edge capable
  • Alternate timing for internal and external lighting with radio channel 2
  • 12VDC power supply at the motor carriage and 24VDC power supply at the control housing
  • Homelink compatible


Models and Motor Sizes (note that door weights assume correctly balanced doors):

  • 3/4 HP = 600 Newton – speeds up to 9.4" per second – maximum door weight 600 lbs.
  • 1 HP = 800 Newton – speeds up to 8.3" per second – maximum door weight 1,100 lbs.
  • 1.25 HP = 1100 Newton – speeds up to 7" per second – maximum door weight 1,500 lbs.


Included in the Operator Package:

  • Motor carriage
  • Control housing with built-in wall controls
  • 16' connector wire
  • 3-piece track (10'9" of rail for doors up to 8')
  • Nickel-plated chain
  • One 4-button remote with visor clip
  • Wired safety sensors
  • Hardware for installation including door arm, ceiling bracket and straps
  • Manuals and low voltage wiring kit