Inswing, outswing, left-hand reverse...? When you're shopping for a swinging door, how do you know what handing you need? This simple guide makes it easy to determine door handing.
For entry doors and exterior doors, door handing is determined from the exterior of a house. For interior doors, stand outside of the room - for example, stand in a hallway looking into a bedroom to determine handing for a bedroom door.
If the hinges are on the left side, the door has left handing. If the door swings into the room, away from you, it is a left-hand in-swing door. If it swings toward you, out of the room, it is a left-hand out-swing, or left-hand reverse door. The opposite is true of right hand doors –the hinges will be on the right side. If the door swings into the room (away from you), it is a right-hand in-swing door. If it swings toward you, out of the room, it is a right-hand out-swing, or right-hand reverse door.
An Easy Trick to Remember
In cases where there isn’t a clear “inside” or “outside” to determine handing (i.e., the door connects two rooms), open the door and stand with your back against the hinges. If the door is on your left, it’s a left-handed door. If the door is on your right, it’s right-handed.
If you are still unsure, don't worry! We'll be happy to help you make sure you select the right handing. Just give us a call at 1-800-694-5977.
Pat Smith
August 04, 2023
It would be helpful if I could print your information.